

Today, I read THE NORTH FENCE from ATAMA-ii BOOKS.
There are eight stories in this book and I read two stories today.
"No! Come back!" Hilda shouts.
       Don't touch that cub!"
I start to work for Gilbert. He is a farmer and rancher.
One day, he asks me to check whether their fence is broken.
Then, I meet a very big bear!!!
I escape from it and decide to make stronger fence that bears can't enter our farm.
When I make it with Gilbert's wife, Hilda, we meet a very cute cub.
Then, I touch it.
What will happen to that after that?
Will I be killed by his mother? Or will I be able to save my life?.......

Atama-ii Books
発売日 : 2015-12-21

1 件のコメント:

English Education Jan.20

     Today, we learned about content-based language education. Many people are learning English, but in fact, most of them are not good at s...